People's Medicine School Connection Course EXTENSION!
People's Medicine School Connection Course EXTENSION!
friends! we are thrilled you are working toward certification! and we understand life is full and some times we just need some more time!
course materials for certification are due by March 15th of the year that follows your PMS enrollment. for example, if you were a part of PMS 2023, your materials for certification are due March 15th 2024.
if additional time is needed, that is great! we got you!
this PMS extension will give you another full year to submit your materials for certification. extensions can be purchased at any time and will give you till March 15th of the second year from from PMS enrollment. for example, if you were a part of PMS 2023, the extension will give you until March 15th of 2025 to submit your material. please note that it does not matter when you purchase the extension, the extended due date will always be the same.
we are so grateful that you are committed to this work and know that all timing is perfect! the extension fee allows us to offset the administrative costs associated with extending your enrollment. we are so excited to see your certification materials when the time is right!